Partner with us!!





Feed the hungry

Our Helping The Community

Covid 19 pandemic negatively affected a number of families as Bread winners lost their jobs and small businesses couldn’t survive,  this played a huge role in increasing unemployment rate resulting in  hunger and starvation in many homes. As a church we have managed to provide food groceries enough to feed 6 people for a whole  month to over 1500 homes which is about 9000 people. All this was  made possible through the generosity of our church people. We also developed a vegetable garden to help feed more people  from it.

Pray with us

How You Can Support Us

-Praying that the Lord gives us Strength

By praying that the Lord gives us strength to continue

running the race with endurance and preaching the word with boldness at all times, praying that many get saved and healed as the gospel get administered.

-Pray that the Lord may open a door to buy Land

Pray that the Lord may open a door for us to be able to buy land and build an auditorium for His glory and the

advancement of His kingdom.

-Pray about partnering with us in Missions

Pray about partnering with us in missions by sending

missionaries to us whether on a short term or long term

missions and doing joint missions trips with us to further the cause of the gospel.

-Pray about partnering with us Financially

Pray about partnering with us financially so that the work of the ministry may not be hindered.

-Pray about building an Orphanage

We are praying about building an orphanage home and a day care centre to help train children from a young age in the ways of the Lord, please pray that this becomes an answered prayer.

Building Project

DKCMI Building Project

DKCMI is a church in a township called Mpola, for years they were worshipping in a crèche facility, and when Covid struck, they found themselves without a place of gathering, so they met at an open site that was given to them by one of the church members, when it was raining they couldn’t meet, when it was windy, dust would disturb their services. God laid it in our hearts to help them build and to the glory of Christ, we partnered with their building project that took about 5 months to complete, and we were able to buy them 70 chairs and paint to complete the project. We give God the glory for this kingdom project. They now comfortably meet in a secure building weekly.

KZN Flood



Our team of volunteers have been providing cooked meals to thousands of people who have lost their homes and stay in community halls because of floods, and also gave hundreds of food parcels with thousands of blankets, clothing and toys. This wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity of many people who have been contributing from day one.

Garden Project

Some of our challenges  presently

-With the vegetable garden that is begins  developed into a farm,

getting more people involved  in working the ground is an issue

as there wouldn’t  be enough funds to support them.

-As the farm grows, it will demand a van to be able  to move from market to market to sell the produce  and to also deliver food to the homes of the needy.

-With all our church venues being hired venues, it is  difficult to do

more projects that will impact the  community as they would require a frequent  building which we currently do not have and are still praying about buying land and building at least an 800 seater auditorium in our  Dassenhoek Church.

Be a part of the Movement

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We are transforming the nations one community at a time


Tithes – Westville
Tithes – Dassenhoek
Tithes – KwaMashu
Hand Lifters
Building Fund

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7 Brendon Lane, Greyligh, Westville, 4001, Durban, South Africa

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